Time Management for Professional Development


All of we believe that time is more than money. It is our life. We  would never allow people to steal our money but we let them rob our valuable time (By gossiping, watching TV etc.).

The use of time determines whether a man would be successful or not. The proper organization of time is certainly one of the first items on any formula for success.

We are not against rest or enjoyment, but against wastage of time. We know that recreation itself means to recreate.

What is and for whom time Management?

Time management is commonly defined as the management of time in order to make the most out of it.

Time management is the art of arranging, organizing, scheduling, and budgeting one’s time for the purpose of generating more effective work and productivity.
Time management is important for everyone. While time management books and seminars often place their focus on business leaders and corporations, time management is also crucial for students, teachers, factory workers, professionals, and home makers.

Nature of time:
There is a saying regarding the nature of time that is
“What s the longest, yet the shortest; the swiftest, yet the slowest; all of us neglect it, and then we all regret for it; nothing can be done without it, it swallows up all what is small and it builds up all what is great? It is time.
Use of time:
People are different in their time using habits. What the failures are reluctant to do due to shortage of time, the successful do it by proper use of time. In that way they are categorized into two groups:
First group: The unfortunate disenchanted group, who are always going to start something tomorrow.
Second group: The wonderful group who are ready to go right now. For them there is no ‘tomorrow’.
Each day must be filled with things to be proud of. Unless we are ready to start now, regardless of our good intentions, this time tomorrow, this time next week, this time 10 years from now, we shall be bogged down.
Meaning of time:
Some tips: How to save time?

Follow these suggestions for a few days and you will be astounded at the results:

1.        Plan your day each morning by writing down the things to do, and check them off as they are done.
2.        Never visit a friend without informing or calling him by telephone.
3.        Always have a pencil and paper or a small note book in your packet so that you can jot down plans and ideas during spare time.
4.        Plan rest times and try to match them with prayer times.
5.        Utilize spare time by reading, memorizing or doing something constructive.
6.        When you make an appointment, be sure that both parties understand the exact time.
7.        Adjust your traveling time to the distance involved, making reasonable allowance for the unexpected so that you will arrive at the appointed time.
8.        Have all items on hand before starting a job, whether it be cooking, writing an article, or preparing a speech.
9.        Avoid people who are thoughtless and selfish enough to steal your time.
10.     Do not make a trip in person if you can accomplish the same through a letter or telephone call.
11.     Fill your car with gas when you are passing your favorite filling station. Avoid a special trip and by all means, never run out of gas; it’ll make you look stupid!
12.     Keep proper change at all time for parking meters or telephone calls.

What can be done by spare time?

By setting aside an hour for every working day, you gain up to 360 hours a year, or the equivalent of 32 full working days. We can get a great deal accomplished in such a period of time, we could:

1.    Memorize many parts of the Qur’an and Hadith
2.    Acquire some specific skills
3.    Learn a foreign language (English, Arabic)
4.    Write a Article or a Book
5.    Pick up a diploma
6.    Reading some important Books or Articles or Magazine

 Things to remember about time:

Take time...
1.        Take time to think, it is the source of power
2.        Take time to play, it is the cistern of perpetual youth;
3.        Take time to read, it is the foundation of wisdom;
4.        Take time to pray, it is the greatest power on earth;
5.        Take time to love and be loved, iman is nothing but love and hate;
6.        Take time to laugh, it is the best lubricant;
7.        Take time to give, life is too short to be selfish;
8.        Take time to work, it is the price of success; but
9.        Never take time to waste;

Two important Hadiths:

Remember that the Prophet (SM) says:

1.      “He whose two days are equal [ in accomplishments] is a sure loser”.
2.      Not a single dawn breaks out without two angles calling out: “Oh!  Son of Adam, I am a new day and I witness your actions, so make the best out of me because I will never come back till the Day of Judgment”.

A few of the more well-known time management principles are:

(1) making daily lists of activities to be accomplished;
(2) prioritizing activities importance and urgency;
(3) scheduling activities according to the priorities set; and
(4) knowing your daily cycle and handling the most demanding parts of your job during the high part of your cycle when you are most alert and productive.

How time pass in our life?

This chart shows what you might be doing with your time in a life of average length.

Tying one’s shoes
8 days
Waiting for traffic lights to change
1 month
Time spent at the barber shop
1 month

Dialing the telephone

1 month
Riding elevators ( in big cities)
3 months
Brushing one’s teeth
3 months
Waiting for buses ( in cities)
5 months
Time spent in the shower or bath
6 months
Reading books
2 years
4 years
Earning a living
9 years
Watching television
10 years
20 years


1.       To grow consciousness of time, we may often study the tafsir of Sura Al Asr from the Tahfimul Quran, Mareful Quran or Fi-Zilalil Quran or other tafsirs.

2.       Remember the following wisdom:

“Great minds discuss ideas
Average minds discuss events
Small minds discuss people,
Very small minds discuss themselves”

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